SUSDA in Transition

Greetings SUSDA! 

I write to you as we are less than one month from the end of the academic year. Hard to believe everything that has happened in our community this year! We had our fun, experienced growth, and our share of challenges. I continue to be excited about the future of our community, program, and institution. 

As we begin to close for the year, the SUSDA E-Team is committing to a transparent and helpful transition to our incoming SUSDA E-Team. Part of our commitment to transparency in the coming two weeks each chair/editor will be posting their transition reports to the SUSDA Blog. Additionally, the chairs/editors will be uploading relavent documents to a shared DropBox folder. We hope that you will find our sharing and reflections honest and representative of your experience in the community. We invite you to comment and reply to these postings in the blog. Share your opinions and perspectives. 

For your understanding, here is the prompt provided to the team:

Below are suggestions you MAY include in your report.

1) Reflections on the Year
– Feelings in the beginning
– Strengths of the SUSDA E-Team
– Identify Areas of Criticism or Growth of SUSDA
– What did you get out of the experience?

2) Successes, Accomplishments, and Changes
– List of programs/events
— I need a list of all dates/event titles because I need them to form the SUSDA Assessment.
– What were your goals, how did you accomplish them?
– What would you have changed about an event or program?

3) Hopes and Expectations
– Hopes and Exceptions of your successor
– Hopes and Expectations of next year’s E-Team

There is no maximum, minimum or format to your report. It may include bullets, prose, pictures, etc.

Lastly, we are also working on a summative assessment of activities and programs that SUSDA has offered this year. We will also be soliciting recommendations for the incoming team to consider. 

Should you have any questions, please let any E-Team member know. 

Be well, friends. 


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